
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
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        This example demonstrates the FreePointTriad and Distance manipulators in 
        the API.  This example uses three classes to accomplish this task: First, 
        a context command (moveManipContext) is provided to create instances of 
        the context.  Next, a custom selection context (MoveManipContext) is 
        created to manage the rotation manipulator.   Finally, the rotation 
        manipulator is provided as a custom node class.

        Loading and unloading:

        The move manipulator context and tool button can be created with the 
        following mel commands:

                setParent Shelf1;
                toolButton      -cl toolCluster
                                        -t moveManipContext1
                                        -i1 "moveToolManip.xpm"

        If the preceding commands were used to create the manipulator context, 
        the following commands can destroy it:

                deleteUI moveManipContext1;
                deleteUI moveManip;

        If the plugin is loaded and unloaded frequently (eg. during testing),
        it is useful to make these command sequences into shelf buttons.

        How to use:

        Once the tool button has been created using the script above, select the
        tool button then click on an object.  The move manipulator should appear
        at the center of the selected object and a distance manipulator should 
        appear at the origin.  Use the move manipulator to move the object, and
        the distance manipulator to control the scaling in Y direction.

#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <maya/MFn.h>
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MPxManipContainer.h>
#include <maya/MPxSelectionContext.h>
#include <maya/MPxContextCommand.h>
#include <maya/MModelMessage.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MManipData.h>

// Manipulators
#include <maya/MFnFreePointTriadManip.h>
#include <maya/MFnDistanceManip.h>

class moveManip : public MPxManipContainer
        virtual ~moveManip();
        static void * creator();
        static MStatus initialize();
        virtual MStatus createChildren();
        virtual MStatus connectToDependNode(const MObject &node);

        virtual void draw(M3dView &view, 
                                          const MDagPath &path, 
                                          M3dView::DisplayStyle style,
                                          M3dView::DisplayStatus status);

        MDagPath fDistanceManip;
        MDagPath fFreePointManip;

        static MTypeId id;

MTypeId moveManip::id( 0x8001d );

        // The constructor must not call createChildren for user-defined
        // manipulators.


void *moveManip::creator()
         return new moveManip();

MStatus moveManip::initialize()
        MStatus stat;
        stat = MPxManipContainer::initialize();
        return stat;

MStatus moveManip::createChildren()
        MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;

        fDistanceManip = addDistanceManip("distanceManip",

        // The distance manip will extend in the y-direction.
        MFnDistanceManip distanceManipFn(fDistanceManip);
        MPoint startPoint(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        MVector direction(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

        fFreePointManip = addFreePointTriadManip("pointManip",

        return stat;

MStatus moveManip::connectToDependNode(const MObject &node)
        MStatus stat;

        // This routine connects the distance manip to the scaleY plug on the node
        // and connects the translate plug to the position plug on the freePoint
        // manipulator.

        MFnDependencyNode nodeFn(node);
        MPlug syPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("scaleY", &stat);
        MPlug tPlug = nodeFn.findPlug("translate", &stat);

        MFnDistanceManip distanceManipFn(fDistanceManip);

        MFnFreePointTriadManip freePointManipFn(fFreePointManip);

        // Manipulator transformations can be set by using methods on the base 
        // class MFnTransform.  To display the manipulator at a constant offset 
        // from its natural position, change the value of the offset vector below.

        MVector offset(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        freePointManipFn.setTranslation(offset, MSpace::kTransform);

        return stat;

void moveManip::draw(M3dView & view, 
                                         const MDagPath & path, 
                                         M3dView::DisplayStyle style,
                                         M3dView::DisplayStatus status)
        // Demonstrate how drawing can be overriden for manip containers - draw the
        // string "Stretch Me!" at the origin.

        MPxManipContainer::draw(view, path, style, status);

        MPoint textPos(0, 0, 0);
        char str[100];
        sprintf(str, "Stretch Me!"); 
        MString distanceText(str);
        view.drawText(distanceText, textPos, M3dView::kLeft);


// MoveManipContext
// This class is a simple context for supporting a move manipulator.

class MoveManipContext : public MPxSelectionContext
        virtual void    toolOnSetup(MEvent &event);
        virtual void    toolOffCleanup();

        // Callback issued when selection list changes
        static void updateManipulators(void * data);

        MCallbackId id1;

        MString str("Plugin move Manipulator");

void MoveManipContext::toolOnSetup(MEvent &)
        MString str("Move the object using the manipulator");

        MStatus status;
        id1 = MModelMessage::addCallback(MModelMessage::kActiveListModified,
                                                                         this, &status);
        if (!status) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Model addCallback failed");

void MoveManipContext::toolOffCleanup()
        MStatus status;
        status = MModelMessage::removeCallback(id1);
        if (!status) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Model remove callback failed");

void MoveManipContext::updateManipulators(void * data)
        MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess;
        MoveManipContext * ctxPtr = (MoveManipContext *) data;

        MSelectionList list;
        stat = MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(list);
        MItSelectionList iter(list, MFn::kInvalid, &stat);

        if (MS::kSuccess == stat) {
                for (; !iter.isDone(); {

                        // Make sure the selection list item is a depend node and has the
                        // required plugs before manipulating it.
                        MObject dependNode;
                        if (dependNode.isNull() || !dependNode.hasFn(MFn::kDependencyNode))
                                MGlobal::displayWarning("Object in selection list is not "
                                        "a depend node.");

                        MFnDependencyNode dependNodeFn(dependNode);
                        MPlug rPlug = dependNodeFn.findPlug("translate", &stat);
                        MPlug sPlug = dependNodeFn.findPlug("scaleY", &stat);
                        if (rPlug.isNull() || sPlug.isNull()) {
                                MGlobal::displayWarning("Object cannot be manipulated: " +

                        // Add manipulator to the selected object
                        MString manipName ("moveManip");
                        MObject manipObject;
                        moveManip* manipulator =
                                (moveManip *) moveManip::newManipulator(manipName, manipObject);

                        if (NULL != manipulator) {
                                // Add the manipulator

                                // Connect the manipulator to the object in the selection list.
                                if (!manipulator->connectToDependNode(dependNode))
                                        MGlobal::displayWarning("Error connecting manipulator to"
                                                " object: " +;

// moveManipContext
// This is the command that will be used to create instances
// of our context.

class moveManipContext : public MPxContextCommand
        moveManipContext() {};
        virtual MPxContext * makeObj();

        static void* creator();

MPxContext *moveManipContext::makeObj()
        return new MoveManipContext();

void *moveManipContext::creator()
        return new moveManipContext;

// The following routines are used to register/unregister
// the context and manipulator

MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
        MStatus status;
        MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");

        status = plugin.registerContextCommand("moveManipContext",
        if (!status) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Error registering moveManipContext command");
                return status;

        status = plugin.registerNode("moveManip", moveManip::id, 
                                                                 &moveManip::creator, &moveManip::initialize,
        if (!status) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Error registering moveManip node");
                return status;

        return status;

MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
        MStatus status;
        MFnPlugin plugin(obj);

        status = plugin.deregisterContextCommand("moveManipContext");
        if (!status) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Error deregistering moveManipContext command");
                return status;

        status = plugin.deregisterNode(moveManip::id);
        if (!status) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Error deregistering moveManip node");
                return status;

        return status;

Autodesk® Maya® 2011 © 1997-2010 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Generated with doxygen 1.5.6