MnRigid Class Reference
[OpenMayaFX - API module for effects]

#include <MnRigid.h>
Inheritance diagram for MnRigid:
Collaboration diagram for MnRigid:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Class for wrapping N cloth objects.

This class wraps the internal Maya representation of N cloth objects suitable for use with the Nucleus solver.

Public Member Functions

  MnRigid ()
virtual  ~MnRigid ()
MStatus  setTopology (const int numFaces, int *numVertsPerFace, int *faces, const int numEdges, int *edges)
MStatus  createNRigid ()
MStatus  setPositions (const MFloatPointArray &positions, bool startFrame=true)
MStatus  setVelocities (const MFloatPointArray &velocities)
MStatus  setThickness (float radius)
MStatus  setThickness (float *radius)
MStatus  setBounce (float bounce)
MStatus  setBounce (float *bounce)
MStatus  setFriction (float friction)
MStatus  setFriction (float *friction)
MStatus  setCollisionFlags (const bool vertToVert, const bool edgeToEdge=false, const bool faceToFace=false)
MStatus  getNumVertices (unsigned int &numVerts) const
MStatus  getPositions (MFloatPointArray &positions) const
MStatus  getVelocities (MFloatPointArray &velocities) const
MStatus  getThickness (MFloatArray &radius) const
MStatus  getInverseMass (MFloatArray &inverseMass) const
MStatus  getBounce (MFloatArray &bounce) const
MStatus  getFriction (MFloatArray &friction) const


class  MFnNObjectData

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MnRigid::MnRigid (  ) 

Default constructor. The parent class will set the instance to contain nothing.

MnRigid::~MnRigid (  )  [virtual]

The class destructor.

Member Function Documentation

MStatus MnRigid::setTopology ( const int  numFaces,
int *  numVertsPerFace,
int *  faces,
const int  numEdges,
int *  edges  

sets the topology of the underlying N Object. Before calling other methods, this must be the first method you call once the cloth object is created.

[in]  numFaces  number of faces
[in]  numVertsPerFace  an array of size numFaces, where each element describes the number of verts on that face
[in]  faces  an array containing the actual face description. Each element is a vertex index.
[in]  numFaces  number of edges
[in]  edges  an array containing the edge description. Each element is a vertex index.

MStatus MnRigid::createNRigid (  ) 

Creates the underlying Maya TnRigid and sets this class to wrap it.


MStatus MnRigid::setPositions ( const MFloatPointArray positions,
bool  startFrame = true  

Sets the positions of the vertices of the underlying N cloth object

[in]  positions  the array containing the position information
[in]  startFrame  whether this information represents the state of the object at the start frame.

MStatus MnRigid::setVelocities ( const MFloatPointArray velocities  ) 

Sets the velocities of the vertices of the underlying Ncloth object

[in]  velocities  the array containing the velocity information

MStatus MnRigid::setThickness ( float  radius  ) 

sets a radius on each point of the mesh for collision purposes. The bigger the radius/thickness, the more easily things collide.

[in]  radius  the radius to set

MStatus MnRigid::setThickness ( float *  radius  ) 

sets a radius (thickness) on a per point basis for the mesh for collision purposes. The bigger the radius, the more easily things collide.

[in]  radius  the radius to set

MStatus MnRigid::setBounce ( float  bounce  ) 

sets the bounce for every point in this mesh

[in]  bounce  value of bounce to set

MStatus MnRigid::setBounce ( float *  bounce  ) 

sets the bounce on a per point basis in this mesh

[in]  bounce  value of bounce to set

MStatus MnRigid::setFriction ( float  friction  ) 

sets the friction for every point in this mesh

[in]  friction  the friction to set

MStatus MnRigid::setFriction ( float *  friction  ) 

sets the friction on a per point basis for this mesh

[in]  friction  the friction to set

MStatus MnRigid::setCollisionFlags ( const bool  vertToVert,
const bool  edgeToEdge = false,
const bool  faceToFace = false  

Sets how (or if) this object will collide with other objects.

[in]  vertToVert  whether to calculate vertex - vertex collisions
[in]  edgeToEdge  whether to calculate edge - edge collisions
[in]  faceToFace  whether to calculate face - face collisions

MStatus MnRigid::getNumVertices ( unsigned int &  numVerts  )  const

Returns the number of vertices in the underlying nRigid

[out]  numVerts  Number of vertices.

MStatus MnRigid::getPositions ( MFloatPointArray positions  )  const

gets the positions of the points of the underlying N Object.

[out]  positions  the array will be filled with the positions.

MStatus MnRigid::getVelocities ( MFloatPointArray velocities  )  const

gets the velocities of the points of the underlying N cloth object.

[in]  velocities  the array will be filled with the positions.

MStatus MnRigid::getThickness ( MFloatArray radius  )  const

gets the thickness at each point of the underlying N rigid object.

[in]  radius  the array will be filled with the thickness.

MStatus MnRigid::getInverseMass ( MFloatArray inverseMass  )  const

gets the inverseMass at each point of the underlying N rigid object.

[in]  inverseMass  the array will be filled with the inverse masses.

MStatus MnRigid::getBounce ( MFloatArray bounce  )  const

gets the bounce at each point of the underlying N rigid object.

[in]  bounce  the array will be filled with the bounce.

MStatus MnRigid::getFriction ( MFloatArray friction  )  const

gets the friction at each point of the underlying N rigid object.

[in]  friction  the array will be filled with the friction.

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