MPxManipulatorNode Class Reference
[OpenMayaUI - API module for user interfaceProxy classes]

#include <MPxManipulatorNode.h>
Inheritance diagram for MPxManipulatorNode:
Collaboration diagram for MPxManipulatorNode:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Base class for manipulator creation.

MPxManipulatorNode is the base class used for creating user-defined manipulators. This class is derived from MPxNode since manipulators in Maya are dependency nodes.

An MPxManipulatorNode should implement the following method:

virtual void draw(M3dView &view, const MDagPath &path,M3dView::DisplayStyle style, M3dView::DisplayStatus status);

Additionally, several of the following virtuals will need to be defined:

virtual MStatus doPress( M3dView& view );
virtual MStatus doDrag( M3dView& view );
virtual MStatus doRelease( M3dView& view );

Implement the following method to properly support undo:

virtual MStatus connectToDependNode(const MObject &dependNode);

The draw() method is very important since drawing and picking are done together. The colorAndName() method should be called before drawing a GL component that should be pickable. Several color methods which return color indexes that Maya use are provided to allow custom manipulators to have a similar look.

When drawing a GL pickable component, an active name must be set. Use the glFirstHandle() to get this value from the base class.

A manipulator can be connected to a depend node instead of updating a node attribute directly in one of the do*() methods. To connect to a depend node, you must:

This class can work standalone or with MPxManipContainer.

Public Member Functions

  MPxManipulatorNode ()
virtual  ~MPxManipulatorNode ()
virtual MStatus  connectToDependNode (const MObject &dependNode)
virtual void  draw (M3dView &view, const MDagPath &path, M3dView::DisplayStyle style, M3dView::DisplayStatus status)
virtual MStatus  doPress (M3dView &view)
virtual MStatus  doDrag (M3dView &view)
virtual MStatus  doRelease (M3dView &view)
MStatus  finishAddingManips ()
MStatus  colorAndName (M3dView &view, MGLuint glName, bool glNameIsPickable, short colorIndex) const
MStatus  glFirstHandle (MGLuint &firstHandle)
MStatus  glActiveName (MGLuint &glName)
MStatus  mouseRay (MPoint &linePoint, MVector &lineDirection) const
MStatus  mouseRayWorld (MPoint &linePoint, MVector &lineDirection) const
MStatus  mousePosition (short &x_pos, short &y_pos)
MStatus  mouseDown (short &x_pos, short &y_pos)
MStatus  mouseUp (short &x_pos, short &y_pos)
MStatus  addDoubleValue (const MString &valueName, double defaultValue, int &valueIndex)
MStatus  addPointValue (const MString &valueName, const MPoint &defaultValue, int &valueIndex)
MStatus  addVectorValue (const MString &valueName, const MVector &defaultValue, int &valueIndex)
MStatus  setDoubleValue (int valueIndex, double value)
MStatus  setPointValue (int valueIndex, const MPoint &value)
MStatus  setVectorValue (int valueIndex, const MVector &value)
MStatus  getDoubleValue (int valueIndex, bool previousValue, double &value)
MStatus  getPointValue (int valueIndex, bool previousValue, MPoint &value)
MStatus  getVectorValue (int valueIndex, bool previousValue, MVector &value)
MStatus  connectPlugToValue (const MPlug &plug, int valueIndex, int &plugIndex)
short  mainColor ()
short  xColor ()
short  yColor ()
short  zColor ()
short  prevColor ()
short  lineColor ()
short  dimmedColor ()
short  selectedColor ()
short  labelColor ()
short  labelBackgroundColor ()

Static Public Member Functions

static MPxManipulatorNode newManipulator (const MString &manipName, MObject &manipObject, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)

Static Public Attributes

static MObject  connectedNodes
  Connected node, message attribute.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MPxManipulatorNode::MPxManipulatorNode (  ) 

Class constructor

MPxManipulatorNode::~MPxManipulatorNode (  )  [virtual]

Class destructor

Member Function Documentation

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::connectToDependNode ( const MObject node  )  [virtual]

This method connects the manipulator to the dependency node. This is a virtual method and needs to be overridden from the plug-in.

[in]  node  the node to which the manipulator should be connected
MS::kSuccess if successful, an error status otherwise. The base class returns MS::kFailure if there are no connections between manip values and plug values.

void MPxManipulatorNode::draw ( M3dView view,
const MDagPath path,
M3dView::DisplayStyle  style,
M3dView::DisplayStatus  status  
) [virtual]

This method is overloaded to draw the manipulators. Selection is also setup with this method using the colorAndName() method call.

        // Begin the drawing

        // Place before you draw the manipulator component that can
        // be pickable.
        MGLuint glPickableItem;
        glFirstHandle( glPickableItem );

        // Top
        topName = glPickableItem;
        colorAndName( view, glPickableItem, true, mainColor() );
        gGLFT->glBegin( GL_LINES );
                gGLFT->glVertex3fv( tl );
                gGLFT->glVertex3fv( tr );

        // Right
        rightName = glPickableItem;
        colorAndName( view, glPickableItem, true, mainColor() );
        gGLFT->glBegin( GL_LINES );
                gGLFT->glVertex3fv( tr );
                gGLFT->glVertex3fv( br );

        // ...

        // End the drawing
[in]  view  the view in which to draw
[in]  path  the current path
[in]  style  the display appearance
[in]  status  the display status

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::doPress ( M3dView view  )  [virtual]

This method gets called when the manipulator receives a mouse down event.

You should return kUnknownParameter to allow Maya to process the event also.

[in]  view  the view that is active

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::doDrag ( M3dView view  )  [virtual]

This method gets called when the manipulator recieves a mouse drag event.

You should return kUnknownParameter to allow Maya to process the event also.

[in]  view  the view that is active

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::doRelease ( M3dView view  )  [virtual]

This method gets called when the manipulator recieves a mouse release event.

You should return kUnknownParameter to allow Maya to process the event also.

[in]  view  the view that is active

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::finishAddingManips (  ) 

This method should be called from the user-defined manipulator plug-in near the end of the connectToDependNode method so that the converter in the manipulator can be initialized. The converter cannot be initialized until all the connections from the manip values to the plug values have been specified.


MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::colorAndName ( M3dView view,
MGLuint  glName,
bool  glNameIsPickable,
short  colorIndex  
) const

This method is used to set the color of the GL component that is being drawn next. It is also used to set GL name of the component so that picking can be supported.

[in]  view  the view that is active
[in]  glName  GL "name" (an unsigned int) of the component. Must be unique.
[in]  glNameIsPickable  If true, the component will be pickable
[in]  colorIndex  Color to use, as provided by one of the *Color() methods in this class.

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::glFirstHandle ( MGLuint &  firstHandle  ) 

This method is used to find the unsigned int value that should be used for the first GL handle.

[out]  firstHandle  Returns the first handle.

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::glActiveName ( MGLuint &  glName  ) 

This method returns the unsigned int value which specifies the current active handle.

[out]  glName  active handle

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::mouseRay ( MPoint linePoint,
MVector lineDirection  
) const

This method returns the location of the mouse within a view. The location is defined by a point and a direction through the point. Both point and direction are in local space.

[out]  linePoint  local space line point of mouse
[out]  lineDirection  local direction of mouse in view

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::mouseRayWorld ( MPoint linePoint,
MVector lineDirection  
) const

This method returns the location of the mouse within a view. The location is defined by a point and a direction through the point. Both point and direction are in world space.

[out]  linePoint  world space line point of mouse
[out]  lineDirection  world direction of mouse in view

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::mousePosition ( short &  x_pos,
short &  y_pos  

This method returns the current mouse position within a view. The position is in port coordinates.

[out]  x_pos  returns the x port coordinate
[out]  y_pos  returns the y port coordinate

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::mouseDown ( short &  x_pos,
short &  y_pos  

This method returns the mouse down position within a view. The position is in port coordinates.

[out]  x_pos  returns the mouse down x port coordinate
[out]  y_pos  returns the mouse down y port coordinate

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::mouseUp ( short &  x_pos,
short &  y_pos  

This method returns the mouse up position within a view. The position is in port coordinates.

[out]  x_pos  returns the mouse up x port coordinate
[out]  y_pos  returns the mouse up y port coordinate

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::addDoubleValue ( const MString valueName,
double  defaultValue,
int &  valueIndex  

Manipulators which call connectPlugToValue() must first create the value on the node. Use this method to create a value of double type.

[in]  valueName  Name of the value.
[in]  defaultValue  Default value.
[out]  valueIndex  Index assigned to this value by Maya. Used in connectPlugToValue().

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::addPointValue ( const MString valueName,
const MPoint defaultValue,
int &  valueIndex  

Manipulators which call connectPlugToValue() must first create the value on the node. Use this method to create a value of double MPoint.

[in]  valueName  Name of the value.
[in]  defaultValue  Default value.
[out]  valueIndex  Index assigned to this value by Maya. Used in connectPlugToValue().

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::addVectorValue ( const MString valueName,
const MVector defaultValue,
int &  valueIndex  

Manipulators which call connectPlugToValue() must first create the value on the node. Use this method to create a value of double MVector.

[in]  valueName  Name of the value.
[in]  defaultValue  Default value.
[out]  valueIndex  Index assigned to this value by Maya. Used in connectPlugToValue().

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::setDoubleValue ( int  valueIndex,
double  value  

This method is used for setting a double value associated with the manipulator.

[in]  valueIndex  the index of the value to be set
[in]  value  the value to set it to

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::setPointValue ( int  valueIndex,
const MPoint value  

This method is used for setting an MPoint value associated with the manipulator.

[in]  valueIndex  the index of the value to be set
[in]  value  the value to set it to

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::setVectorValue ( int  valueIndex,
const MVector value  

This method is used for setting a MVector value associated with the manipulator.

[in]  valueIndex  the index of the value to be set
[in]  value  the value to set it to

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::getDoubleValue ( int  valueIndex,
bool  previousValue,
double &  value  

This method is used for getting a double value associated with the manipulator.

[in]  valueIndex  the index of the value to be set
[in]  previousValue  if true, get the previous value. if false, get the current value
[out]  value  return the double value

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::getPointValue ( int  valueIndex,
bool  previousValue,
MPoint value  

This method is used for getting a MPoint value associated with the manipulator.

[in]  valueIndex  the index of the value to be set
[in]  previousValue  if true, get the previous value. if false, get the current value
[out]  value  return the double value

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::getVectorValue ( int  valueIndex,
bool  previousValue,
MVector value  

This method is used for getting a MVector value associated with the manipulator.

[in]  valueIndex  the index of the value to be set
[in]  previousValue  if true, get the previous value. if false, get the current value
[out]  value  return the double value

MStatus MPxManipulatorNode::connectPlugToValue ( const MPlug plug,
int  valueIndex,
int &  plugIndex  

This method is called in the connectToDependNode() virtual if it is implemented for the custom manipulator. It will connect a plug to an already added manipulator value of the same type.

[in]  plug  the plug to connect the value to
[in]  valueIndex  the index of the value. index is set by add*Value() method
[out]  plugIndex  a new index for the plug that is being connected

MPxManipulatorNode * MPxManipulatorNode::newManipulator ( const MString manipName,
MObject manipObject,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) [static]

This static function is used to create a user-defined manipulator. The manipObject argument is set to the new manipulator node. Note that the manipName argument must be the name of a manipulator derived from MPxManipulatorNode. Also note that this method creates the newManipulator, but doesn't add it to the DAG. The primary use of this method is in conjunction with MPxSelectionContext::addManipulator, to add user-defined manipulators to a context.

[in]  manipName  manipulator name
[out]  manipObject  manipulator object
The new manipulator

short MPxManipulatorNode::mainColor (  ) 

This method returns the main color index.

short MPxManipulatorNode::xColor (  ) 

This method returns the color index of the x axis.

short MPxManipulatorNode::yColor (  ) 

This method returns the color index of the y axis.

short MPxManipulatorNode::zColor (  ) 

This method returns the color index of the z axis.

short MPxManipulatorNode::prevColor (  ) 

This method returns the previously color used by the colorAndName() method.

short MPxManipulatorNode::lineColor (  ) 

This method returns the color index of a line.

short MPxManipulatorNode::dimmedColor (  ) 

This method returns the color index for a dimmed or unselectable component.

short MPxManipulatorNode::selectedColor (  ) 

This method returns the color index of a selected component.

short MPxManipulatorNode::labelColor (  ) 

This method returns the color index of a label.

short MPxManipulatorNode::labelBackgroundColor (  ) 

This method returns the color index of a label background.

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