MItDag Class Reference
[OpenMaya - API module for common classes]

#include <MItDag.h>
Collaboration diagram for MItDag:

List of all members.

Detailed Description

DAG Iterator.

Use the DAG iterator to traverse the DAG either depth first or breadth first, visiting each node and, if desired, retrieving the node (as an MObject). The DAG iterator provides a basic filtering capability, so that DAG node retrieval can be limited to a specific type (MFn::Type) of node. With filtering enabled the iterator checks to see if the node is compatible with the type of Function Set specified by the filter. See MFn::Type for a list of all valid Function set types.

Since each object, if retrieved, is returned as an MObject, the MObject::hasFn() method can be used to further check for compatible function set types since an MObjects may be compatible with more than one function set).

Any compatible Function Set can be attached to the retrieved object to query or or edit it. Often you will want to use the DAG node Function Set (MFnDagNode), which is compatible with all DAG objects, to perform basic queries on each node as the iterator traverses the DAG.

The iterator also provides the capability to reset the root of the iteration, the type of traversal, and the filter.

Additionally, the iterator can be queried for the root, mode and type of traversal, and to determine if the the traversal has been completed.


Public Types

enum   TraversalType { kInvalidType = 0, kDepthFirst, kBreadthFirst }
  Order in which nodes should be traversed. More...

Public Member Functions

  MItDag (TraversalType=kDepthFirst, MFn::Type=MFn::kInvalid, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  MItDag (MIteratorType &dagInfoObject, TraversalType=kDepthFirst, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
MStatus  reset ()
MStatus  reset (const MObject &object, TraversalType=kDepthFirst, MFn::Type=MFn::kInvalid)
MStatus  reset (const MDagPath &path, TraversalType=kDepthFirst, MFn::Type=MFn::kInvalid)
MStatus  reset (MIteratorType &dagInfoObject, const MObject *object, const MDagPath *path, TraversalType=kDepthFirst)
MObject  item (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
  This method is obsolete.
MObject  currentItem (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
MStatus  next ()
MStatus  prune ()
bool  isDone (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MObject  root (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL)
unsigned int  depth (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
TraversalType  getType (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MStatus  getPath (MDagPath &path) const
MStatus  getAllPaths (MDagPathArray &paths) const
MString  fullPathName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MString  partialPathName (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
bool  isInstanced (bool indirect=true, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
unsigned int  instanceCount (bool total, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
MStatus  traverseUnderWorld (bool flag)
bool  willTraverseUnderWorld (MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const
virtual  ~MItDag ()

Member Enumeration Documentation

Order in which nodes should be traversed.

kDepthFirst  Visit a node's children before moving on to its siblings.
kBreadthFirst  Visit a node's siblings before moving on to its children.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MItDag::MItDag ( MItDag::TraversalType  type = kDepthFirst,
MFn::Type  filter = MFn::kInvalid,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  

Class Constructor

Initializes the root of iteration at the world node, sets the type of the traversal, and the filter. Sets a return status parameter to indicate success or failure.

[in]  type  Enumerated type that determines the direction of the traversal
  • kDepthFirst - Traverse vertically first
  • kBreadthFirst - Traverse horizontally first
[in]  filter  Function set type (MFn::Type)
  • kInvalid - Filtering disabled
  • See MFn::Type for other values
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvlaidParameter Invalid parameter passed for mode or type
  • MS::kFailure Failure creating iterator

MItDag::MItDag ( MIteratorType dagInfoObject,
MItDag::TraversalType  type = kDepthFirst,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  

Class Constructor

Initializes the root of iteration at the world node, sets the type of the traversal, and the filter list. Sets a return status parameter to indicate success or failure.

[in]  type  Enumerated type that determines the direction of the traversal
  • kDepthFirst - Traverse vertically first
  • kBreadthFirst - Traverse horizontally first
[in]  dagInfoObject  Object which has details of type_filter or filter list.
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvlaidParameter Invalid parameter passed for mode or type
  • MS::kFailure Failure creating iterator

MItDag::~MItDag (  )  [virtual]

Class Destructor

Deletes iterator.

Member Function Documentation

MStatus MItDag::reset (  ) 

Resets the iterator. The iterator is reset to the previous traversal setting.

Status code
Status Codes:

MStatus MItDag::reset ( const MObject object,
MItDag::TraversalType  type = kDepthFirst,
MFn::Type  filter = MFn::kInvalid  

Resets root, type and filter of the iterator.

[in]  object  Root node to begin traversal
[in]  type  Enumerated type that determines the direction of the traversal
  • kDepthFirst - Traverse vertically first
  • kBreadthFirst - Traverse horizontally first
[in]  filter  Function set type (MFn::Type)
  • kInvalid - Filtering disabled
  • See MFn::Type for other values
Status code
Status Codes:

MStatus MItDag::reset ( const MDagPath path,
MItDag::TraversalType  type = kDepthFirst,
MFn::Type  filter = MFn::kInvalid  

Resets root, type and filter of the iterator. This method is usefull when a node is instanced and a DAG path is necessary to specify which instance should be the root of the traversal.

[in]  path  Path to begin traversal
[in]  type  Enumerated type that determines the direction of the traversal
  • kInvalid - Invalid parameter. Not used.
  • kDepthFirst - Traverse vertically first
[in]  filter  Function set type (MFn::Type)
  • kInvalid - Filtering disabled
  • See MFn::Type for other values
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvlaidParameter Invalid parameter passed for object, mode or type
  • MS::kFailure Failure resetting iterator

MStatus MItDag::reset ( MIteratorType dagInfoObject,
const MObject object,
const MDagPath path,
MItDag::TraversalType  type = kDepthFirst  

Resets root, type and filter list of the iterator. This method is usefull when a node is instanced and a DAG path is necessary to specify which instance should be the root of the traversal.

[in]  dagInfoObject  Iterator object having info on filter or filterlist.
[in]  object  MObject, to which the iterator will be reset to. This may be NULL if we are setting the iterator root to dagpath object.
[in]  path  MDagPath object, to which the iterator will be reset to. This may be NULL if we are setting the iterator root to MObject.
[in]  type  Enumerated type that determines the direction of the traversal
  • kInvalid - Invalid parameter. Not used.
  • kDepthFirst - Traverse vertically first
Status code
Status Codes:
  • MS::kSuccess Success
  • MS::kInvlaidParameter Invalid parameter passed for object, mode or type
  • MS::kFailure Failure resetting iterator

MObject MItDag::item ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  ) 

This method is obsolete.

Use the MItDag::currentItem method instead.
Retrieves DAG node to which the iterator points.
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below).
Pointer to the DAG node. Null pointer indicates failure.
Status Codes:

MObject MItDag::currentItem ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  ) 

Retrieves DAG node to which the iterator points.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below).
Pointer to the DAG node. Null pointer indicates failure.
Status Codes:

MStatus MItDag::next (  ) 

Moves to the next node matching the filter in the graph.

Status code
Status Codes:

MStatus MItDag::prune (  ) 

Prunes iteration tree at current node.

Status code
Status Codes:

bool MItDag::isDone ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Indicates end of iteration path.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Boolean value: true when done, false otherwise.
Status Codes:

MObject MItDag::root ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  ) 

Returns the root (start node) of the current traversal. The constructor sets the root of traversal to the world node. The root can be changed by the reset() method.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Root of the traversal
Status Codes:

unsigned int MItDag::depth ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Returns the height or depth of the current node in the DAG relative to the root node. The root node has a depth of zero.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Depth of the current node
Status Codes:

MItDag::TraversalType MItDag::getType ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Returns the direction of the traversal.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
  • kDepthFirst Recursively visits grandchildren of each child node
  • kBreadthFirst Recursively visits each child/parent node before any grandchild/grandparent nodes
Status Codes:

MStatus MItDag::getPath ( MDagPath path  )  const

Determines a DAG Path to the current item in the iteration.

[out]  path  The DAG Path that is found (implicit return)
Status Code
Status Codes:

MStatus MItDag::getAllPaths ( MDagPathArray paths  )  const

Determines all DAG Paths to current item in the iteration.

[out]  paths  Array of all DAG Paths that are found (implicit return)
Status Code
Status Codes:

MString MItDag::fullPathName ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Return a string representing the full path from the root of the dag to this object.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The full path name
Status Codes:

MString MItDag::partialPathName ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Return a string representing the partial path from the root of the dag to this object.

The partial path is the minimum path that is still unique. This string may contain wildcards.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
The partial path name
Status Codes:

bool MItDag::isInstanced ( bool  indirect = true,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) const

Determines whether the current item (DAG node) in the iteration is directly or indirectly instanced.

If indirect instance flag is false, the result is true if and only if the Node itself is multiply instanced (node->parentCount > 1).

If the indirect flag is true, the result is true if and only if the Node itself is multiply instanced (node->parentCount > 1) or if the Node is not multipuly instanced, but it has a directly instanced parent (node->parentCount()=1 and parent->parentCount >1).

[in]  indirect  Indirect instance flag
[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
  • true = Node is instanced (directly or indirectly according to indirect instance flag)
  • false = Node is not instanced (directly or indirectly according to indirect instance flag)
Status Codes:

unsigned int MItDag::instanceCount ( bool  total,
MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  
) const

Determines the number of times the current item (DAG node) in the iteration is instanced.

If indirect instance flag is false, the number of direct instances is returned.

If the indirect flag is true, the total number of times the Node is instanced in the DAG above it is returned.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Number of instances (direct or indirect according to indirect instance flag).
Status Codes:

MStatus MItDag::traverseUnderWorld ( bool  flag  ) 

Specifies whether underworld traversal is turned on. The default is off.

The underworld for a shape is a sub dag that hangs off of the shape. For example, if you have a curve on surface for a shape then there will be an underworld or sub-dag for the curve on surface.

[in]  flag  turns on/off underworld traversal
Status Code
Status Codes:

bool MItDag::willTraverseUnderWorld ( MStatus ReturnStatus = NULL  )  const

Returns true if this iterator will traverse into underworld items.

The underworld for a shape is a sub dag that hangs off of the shape. For example, if you have a curve on surface for a shape then there will be an underworld or sub-dag for the curve on surface.

[out]  ReturnStatus  Status Code (see below)
Boolean: true if underworld traversal is on, false otherwise.
Status Codes:

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