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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Modifying a proxy container
Lesson 2: Using assets in a scene
Beyond the lesson
Dressing the rest of the
scene with assets
To finish dressing the
scene you can import (or reference) a number of other assets located
in the Assets directory. For example, you could:
- Import barricade.mb to block roads and
give the fire truck a clear path.
- Import trafficlight.mb and place a copy
over each intersection.
- Import park.mb to add a public park.
- Import trashbag.mb and trashcan_A.mb
to make the city dirtier.
- Import a few more police cars to create
a police barricade.
- Import additional instances of flames.mb
to make all the windows in the building burn.
Notice that assets can
range from very simple objects (trashbags, trashcans), to collections
of objects (the park), to complex objects with moving parts (the
police car), yet all of them are treated as single black box container
nodes in the scene each with a single interface. You could take
this further by placing all similar objects (all trash bags and
trash cans for example) into a single container.
You can now batch render
the scene to see your finished product.
To batch render the scene
- If you haven’t done so already, set all
proxies to their original representations by -clicking
them and selecting Reload Proxy As > original from
the marking menu.
- Position the camera in a spot where you
can see the majority of the action.
- Click the Render Settings button
( ).
The Render
Settings window appears.
- Set the following:
- Image format: Maya
IFF (iff)
- Frame/Animation ext: name.#.ext
- Start frame:
- End frame:
- Click Close.
- In the Rendering menu
set, select Render > Batch Render.
Maya batch renders the
scene. This may take a few minutes. You can monitor the progress
in the Status Line.
When the batch render
is complete, you can view the sequence by selecting File
> View Sequence, and then opening the first file of
the sequence (it has an extension of .001). Maya then plays back
the sequence of rendered images showing you the final animation.