Binding attributes

In order for your asset to be considered valid, every published name in the police_car_CNT section must be bound to an attribute of the police car. Currently, the transMinusRotatePivot attributes are not bound, so the template is invalid. To fulfill this template, you must bind them manually.

To bind the doors

  1. In the left panel of the Asset Editor, click the square expand icon ( ).

    The contents of the container appears.

  2. Click the circular expand icon ( ) next to police_car_GRP.

    A list of the node’s attributes appears.

    NoteIf you do not see the circular expand icons ( ), make sure that Display > Attributes (Channels) is turned on in the Asset Editor.
  3. Scroll down and click the circular expand icon ( ) next to the Trans Minus Rotate Pivot attribute.

  4. Do one of the following:

    A small green icon appears next to the published name indicating that it is now bound and the bind icon changes to an unbind icon. The name of the attribute it is bound to appears on the right side of the bind icon.

    NoteBinding an attribute automatically publishes it to your container.

When you are finished all the icons in the police_car_CNT section should be green. Your template is now valid.

NoteYou could also fulfill the template by selecting the container and then selecting Assets > Publish Connections. This publishes all incoming and outgoing connections to and from your container and binds them to appropriate published names. However, this option also publishes extra attributes which you do not necessarily need published in this case. In most cases it is up to you to decide which method works better for your given situation.