Run the solver

You can run the solver automatically or in several interactive steps. Both methods use the same algorithm, but you have more control running in interactive steps.

To run the solver in one automatic process

  1. Open the Solve control panel.
  2. Verify the frame range is correct; change it if needed.
  3. Click the Solve button under the Root Frame heading.

    When the solution is complete, it appears in the solution list named solution_rf.

  4. Click the As Object checkbox if you want to switch the solution to object movement around a fixed camera.
  5. Evaluate the solution to look for problems (see Evaluate a solution).
  6. If you find problems, you can run the solver again, but you can probably save time running the solver in steps.
    NoteWhenever you want the solver to produce a brand new guess, select initial1 before you restart the solver.

To run the solver in interactive steps

  1. Follow these guidelines:

Root Frame step descriptions

Use this table if you are not sure what step to run.

Step Purpose When to Run
Start Creates an initial guess. At the beginning and whenever you need a new guess. Make improvements and repeat until you get a close solution.
Continue Optional step that continues guessing where Start left off. Immediately after Start, if you want the solver to consider other possibilities.
Refine Recommended step that improves the best guess. When you want to refine a close guess. Make improvements and repeat until you get an accurate solution.
Finish Required step that applies the solution to all frames. Once, when you get an accurate refined solution.
Register Registers the whole solution to survey constraints. Whenever you want to see the effect of survey constraints on your solution as a whole. (If you want the constraints to affect the shape of the solution, run Start or Refine.)