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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Soft bodies

Soft and Rigid Bodies

Rigid body constraints
Rigid bodies
rigid body is a polygonal or NURBS surface converted
to an unyielding shape. Unlike conventional surfaces, rigid bodies
collide rather than pass through each other during animation. To
animate rigid body motion, you use fields, keys, expressions, rigid
body constraints, or collisions with particles.
Maya has two kinds of rigid bodies—active
and passive. An active rigid body reacts to dynamics—fields,
collisions, and springs—not to keys. A passive rigid
body can have active rigid bodies collide with it. You can key its
Translate and Rotate attributes, but dynamics have no effect on
For instance, to bounce a ball on a floor, you
would make the ball an active rigid body because it needs to fall
with gravity and rebound after colliding with the floor. You would
make the floor a passive rigid body so it doesn’t careen away from
the ball when the ball bounces off it.
Dynamic animation of rigid bodies is controlled
by a Maya component called a rigid body solver. Dynamic animation
of rigid bodies is motion created by fields and collisions.
- You
can create only one rigid body per object or object group.
- Only
one side of a rigid body surface can collide—the side with
normals facing outward. Error messages occur if rigid bodies penetrate
each other.
- Do
not animate the scale or other deformations of a rigid body.
- A curve
cannot be a rigid body.
- A subdivision
surface cannot be a rigid body.
- You
can make a rigid body collide inside another. Place the object inside the
other object, reverse the normals or surface of the outer object,
then animate the inner object in an outward direction.
- When
you key a passive rigid body’s Translate and Rotate attributes,
the Time Slider doesn’t show key markers. Use the Graph
Editor to see the keys. You cannot remove keys on these
attributes with the usual techniques. See
Warning when you delete rigid body connections.
- With
rigid bodies, avoid using the
Edit > Duplicate menu
item with Duplicate Input Connections or Duplicate
Input Graph. Use the Dynamics Relationship Editor
to connect the duplicate rigid body and fields.