Use this to paint multiple strokes in a grid on a NURBS or polygonal surface. The grid settings are based on the options specified below. For more information, see Automatically paint multiple strokes on a surface.
Paint Effects > Auto
Paint > Paint Grid >
These are the options in the Auto Paint Grid window.
Sets the Sample Density attribute of the created strokes. Higher values result in smoother strokes and a greater tube density. For more information see Modify existing strokes.
Sets a range of Surface Offset values. The Surface Offset for created strokes is randomized between these values. You could use this, for example, to create a cloud of strokes about a surface. For details on Surface Offset, see Set up to paint in 3D.
Turn this option on to make all strokes share one brush. When this brush is off, a separate brush is created for each stroke. For information on brush sharing, see Make strokes share the same brush.