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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Change the look of the hair

Modifying hair

Paint hair textures
Paint hair follicles
Use the Paint Hair Follicles tool
to paint the following:
- add
new hair follicles to a new or existing hair system
- remove
hair follicles
- modify
follicle attributes
- trim
- extend
Before painting, be sure to be either in the Start or Rest
For more information, see
Hair > Paint Hair Follicles.
To paint hair attributes such as baldness or
color, see
Paint hair textures.
paint using the Paint Hair Tool
- Select
either the surface or the hair system you want to paint.
- From
the Dynamics menu set, select
Hair > Paint Hair Follicles>
. The Paint
Hair Follicles Settings window appears. For descriptions
of the options in the Paint Hair Follicles
Settings window, see
Hair > Paint Hair Follicles.
Since the Paint Hair Tool is
an Maya® Artisan™ paint tool, the Artisan Brush
Tool Settings editor appears as well. See
Artisan Tool Settings.
- Select
a Paint Mode from the Paint
Hair Follicles Settings window.
- Specify
the appropriate settings available with the selected Paint
- Paint
on the surface.
NoteIf you are painting the Inclination attribute,
go to the start frame before painting.