IK Handle Tool

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IK Handle Settings

Current Solver

This drop-down menu specifies the type of IK solver your IK handle will have. The default selections are the ikRPsolver and ikSCsolver. See IK solvers.


When this option is on, Maya sets the IK handle’s Priority automatically upon creation. Maya assigns the IK handle’s Priority based on where the IK handle’s start joint is in the skeleton’s hierarchy. For example, if the IK handle starts at the root joint, the Priority is set to 1. If the IK handle starts at a joint just below the root, the Priority is set to 2, and so on. Autopriority is off by default. See Priority.

Solver Enable

When this option is on, the IK solver (specified by Current Solver) will be active upon creation. Solver Enable is on by default so that you can pose the joint chain with the IK handle immediately. See IK solvers.

Snap Enable

When this option is on, IK handle will snap back to the IK handle’s end joint’s position. Snap Enable is on by default.


When this option is on, the IK handle will stick to its current position and orientation when you pose the skeleton using other IK handles or when translating, rotating, or scaling individual joints. Sticky is off by default.


Sets the weight value for the current IK handle.

The weight value, in conjunction with the current distance between the IK handle’s end effector and its goal, serve to prioritize the solutions of the current IK chain and those of its other IK handles that have the same Priority settings. See Priority.

When the end effector of two or more IK handles with the same Priority cannot reach their goals simultaneously, the IK handle whose end effectors are furthest from their goals and whose weights are greatest are solved first.


Specifies whether the current IK handle’s end effector favors reaching its goal’s orientation or position.

When this attribute is set to 1, the end effector tries to reach the IK handle’s position. When this attribute is set to 0, the end effector only tries to reach the IK handle’s orientation. A value of 0.5 specifies that the end effector equally favors reaching both the position and orientation as closely as possible. Default is 1.000.