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Home: Autodesk Maya Online Help
Edit skin cluster attributes
Edit smooth skinning
Rotate joints while painting skin weights
Modify skin weights
modify a skin point’s weight
- In
the Component Editor’s spreadsheet,
click the component data box you want to edit.
- Enter
a new value.
modify several skin point weights at once
- In
the workspace, select the points whose weights you want to edit.
- In
the Component Editor’s spreadsheet,
drag through the component data boxes you want to edit.
- Enter
the value you want all the boxes to have.
modify an entire row or column (Linux and Mac OS X only)
- In
the workspace, select the points whose weights you want to edit.
- In
the Component Editor’s spreadsheet,
click one of the boxes in the row or column.
- Click
the row or column heading.
- Enter
a value for all the boxes in the row or column.
modify an entire row or column (Windows only)
- In
the workspace, select the points whose weights you want to edit.
- To
change all the entries of a row or column, in the Component
Editor’s spreadsheet, select the row or column heading.
- -select
any of the boxes in that row or column.
- Enter
a new value to update the entire row or column.