
Inheritance diagram for KFbxCameraManipulator:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

This class can be used to provide basic camera manipulation in any program using this library.

Definition at line56of filekfbxmanipulators.h.

Public Member Functions

void Initialize(constKFbxCamera&pCamera, eAlignment pCamAlign)
 Set the camera used for the manipulation.
bool ManipBegin(eAction pAction, int pMouseX, int pMouseY)
 Begin manipulation of the camera.
bool ManipNotify(int pMouseX, int pMouseY)
 Notify manipulation of latest input.
void ManipEnd()
 End manipulation.
eAction GetCurrentAction()
 Retrieve current manipulation action.
void FrameAll()
 Change camera position and look at to frame all objects.
void FrameSelected()
 Change camera position and look at to frame all selected objects.

Member Function Documentation

void Initialize(constKFbxCamerapCamera,
eAlignment pCamAlign 

Set the camera used for the manipulation.

pCamera Camera that will be used for the manipulation.
pCamAlign How the camera should be aligned during camera manipulator initialization.

bool ManipBegin(eAction pAction,
int pMouseX,
int pMouseY 

Begin manipulation of the camera.

pAction The action performed for this manipulation scope.
pMouseX Horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
pMouseY Vertical position of the mouse cursor.
If TRUE, manipulation successfully initialized.

bool ManipNotify(int pMouseX,
int pMouseY 

Notify manipulation of latest input.

pMouseX Horizontal position of the mouse cursor.
pMouseY Vertical position of the mouse cursor.

void ManipEnd( ) 

End manipulation.

eAction GetCurrentAction( ) 

Retrieve current manipulation action.

void FrameAll( ) 

Change camera position and look at to frame all objects.

The camera must be in a scene for this function to work properly.

void FrameSelected( ) 

Change camera position and look at to frame all selected objects.

The camera must be in a scene for this function to work properly.