Macintosh installation

The Maya FBX Plug-in is available for Mac OS X 10.4

Macintosh compatibility

The Maya FBX Plug-in is compatible with the following Macintosh OS:

To install the Maya FBX Plug-in:

  1. Download the SIT file from the Autodesk web site ( to your desktop.
  2. Double-click the SIT file to extract the Installation disk image.
  3. Double-click the package icon to start the installation. The Welcome pane appears.

  4. Click Continue to start the installation process. The Software License Agreement pane appears.
  5. Read the License Agreement and click Continue. A dialog box appears asking if you accept the terms and continue with the installation.
  6. Click Agree to accept. The Select a Destination pane appears. Select the destination disk where you want to install the Maya FBX plug-in and click Continue.
  7. The Easy Install pane appears. Click Upgrade.
  8. A dialog box appears asking you to enter your name and login password to continue the installation.
    NoteYou must obtain administrator privileges to continue installation.
  9. The installation begins. A progress bar indicates the time remaining of the installation. When the progress reaches 100%, the Finish Up pane appears.
  10. Click Close to exit the installation program.
  11. Start Maya and navigate to Window > Settings/Preferences > Plug-in Manager.

    This installs the Maya FBX plug-in to the following directory: <Macintosh Drive>/Applications/Alias/maya<ver>/, where <ver> is the version of Maya you have installed.

  12. Activate the Loaded option for Fbxmaya.lib in the Plug-in Manager.
  13. Activate the Fbxmaya.lib Autoload option so Maya loads the Maya FBX Plug-in automatically at start-up.

Removing the Maya FBX Plug-in from Mac OS X

To remove the Maya FBX Plug-in:

  1. In Maya, deactivate the fbxmaya.lib Loaded and Autoload options in the Plug-in Manager.
  2. Exit Maya.
  3. Locate the fbxmaya.lib plug-in. This file resides in the <Macintosh Drive>/Applications/Alias/maya<ver>/ directory, where <ver> is the version of Maya you have installed.
  4. Delete the fbxmaya.lib file.