Custom properties/attributes

Custom attributes

The following table lists 3ds Max custom attributes and whether or not they are supported when exported to the FBX file format.

Attribute Support
Angle Spinner Supported
Angle Slider Supported
Array Dropdown List Supported
Array Combo Box Supported
Array List Box Supported
Boolean Check Box Supported
Boolean Check Button Supported
RGB Color Picker Supported
Float Spinner Supported
Float Slider Supported
fRGBA Color Picker Supported
Integer Spinner Supported
Integer Slider Supported
Material Button Not supported
Node Pick Button Not supported
Percent Spinner Supported
Percent Slider Supported
String Supported
Texture Map Button Not supported
World Units Spinner Supported
World Units Slider Supported

User-defined properties

3ds Max user-defined properties are supported by the FBX file format. They are stored in the FBX file as custom properties and labeled as UDP3DSMAX.