How transformation matrices are computed

FBX SDK and Maya use the same formula to compute a transformation matrix. The formula used by 3ds Max is different.

NoteThe FBX importers and exporters for 3ds Max automatically convert transformation matrices to and from 3ds Max.

FBX and Maya

Here is how FBX SDK and Maya compute the transformation matrix for a node:

WorldTransform = ParentWorldTransform * T * Roff * Rp * Rpre * R * Rpost * Rp-1

                                     * Soff * Sp * S * Sp-1

Where this term: Is a 4 x 4 matrix that contains:
WorldTransform Transformation matrix of the node
ParentWorldTransform Transformation matrix of the parent node
T Translation
Roff Rotation offset
Rp Rotation pivot
Rpre Pre-rotation
R Rotation
Rpost Post-rotation


Inverse of the rotation pivot
Soff Scaling offset
Sp Scaling pivot
S Scaling


Inverse of the scaling pivot


3ds Max

Here is how 3ds Max computes the transformation matrix for a node. All the terms in the equation are the same as in FBX and Maya, except for the three terms that represent geometric transformation:

WorldTransform = ParentWorldTransform * T * R * S * OT * OR * OS

Where this term: Is a 4 x 4 matrix that contains:
WorldTransform Transformation matrix of the node
ParentWorldTransform Transformation matrix of the parent node
T Translation
R Rotation
S Scaling
OT Geometric transform translation
OR Geometric transform rotation
OS Geometric transform translation
