An FBX node is
an instance of class KFbxNode. Each
FBX node is a container for one of the elements in an FBX scene,
that is, for a camera object, a light object, a mesh object, a NURBS
object, etc.
FBX SDK allows two or more nodes to have
the same name. However, the file format you use to store your scene
may not allow duplicate node names (a name clash).
In that case, your “extra” nodes will be renamed to nodename_ncl1, nodename_ncl2,
... nodename_ncln.
FBX File Format (.fbx) versions
1.0 to 6.1 do not allow duplicate node names.
Limits on a node’s TRS properties are
accessed in various ways, including by a call to KFbxNode::GetLimits() , which returns
a reference to a KFbxNodeLimits object.
See class KFbxNodeLimits and
sample program ExportScene05.