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Home: Autodesk FBX SDK Progammer's Guide
CubeCreator: Location of texture file at run time
CubeCreator tutorial program
Building and running the sample programs
Sample programs
CubeCreator tutorial program
CubeCreator: The main logic
CubeCreator does the following operations:
Constructs a baseline scene containing a marker, a camera, and a light.
Points the camera at the marker, then adds animation to the camera. The animation is always the same: a view of the cubes that sweeps back and up.
Defines one material that you (the user) can apply to any or all cubes.
Defines one texture that you can apply to any or all cubes.
Defines animation that you can apply to any or all cubes. If applied to a cube, the animation causes the cube to rotate around its axis of rotation.
Lets you add cubes, one at a time. The cubes are mesh objects.
Places the first cube near the marker.
Places subsequent cubes alternately: left of and above the leftmost cube, then right of and above the rightmost cube.
Gives each cube an axis of rotation: either X, Y, or Z.
Lets you (the user) add 0 to
cubes. To each cube added, you have the option of adding any or all of a material, a texture, and animation.
Lets you save the scene as an FBX file (or in another FBX-supported file format).
Invites you to use FBX for QuickTime to view and interact with the scene stored in the saved file.