ImportExport’s ImportExport() method contains the main logic of the file conversion program. ImportExport()does the following:
Source code for ImportExport()
void ImportExport(
const char *ImportFileName,
const char* ExportFileName,
int pWriteFileFormat
// Create a scene
KFbxScene* lScene = KFbxScene::Create(gSdkManager,"");
UI_Printf("------- Import started ---------------------------");
// Load the scene.
bool r = LoadScene(gSdkManager, lScene, ImportFileName);
UI_Printf("------- Import succeeded -------------------------");
UI_Printf("------- Import failed ----------------------------");
// Destroy the scene
UI_Printf("\r\n"); // add a blank line
UI_Printf("------- Export started ---------------------------");
// Save the scene.
r = SaveScene(gSdkManager,
lScene, // to export this scene...
ExportFileName, // to this path/filename...
pWriteFileFormat, // using this file format.
false); // Don't embed media files, if any.
if(r) UI_Printf("------- Export succeeded -------------------------");
else UI_Printf("------- Export failed ----------------------------");
// destroy the scene