Camera support

The following tables indicate how both 3ds Max and the FBX file format treat cameras.

Camera export

The following table lists 3ds Max cameras and how the FBX file format treats them on export:

In 3ds Max Becomes in FBX
Free Camera Camera without interest.
Target Camera Camera with interest.
Roll Angle Animation Roll Fcurve. The plug-in inverts Angle values when exporting to FBX to maintain a consistent orientation.
Orthographic Camera The Orthographic setting which you apply in 3ds Max to a free or target camera is retained in FBX.
FOV channels Field of View FCurve. The view is consistent, even though the focal length values changes.
Width-related FOV Horizontal Aperture.
Height-related FOV Vertical Aperture.
Near and Far plane Near and Far values if clipping is active. Since you cannot animate Near and Far values in MotionBuilder, it uses the current time value to evaluate the resulting Near and Far value.
NoteThe UpVector animation is plotted on the Roll FCurve. If not animated, the plug-in always exports it as (0,1,0). Camera Scale is not supported. The plug-in does not support Diagonal-Related Field Of View, and interprets its channels as a horizontal Field of View. Environment Planes are not supported. Target Distance is exported as a static value. If you animate the channel, the resulting value is the one evaluated at the current time.

Camera import

The following lists how 3ds Max treats MotionBuilder cameras on import:

In FBX Becomes in 3ds Max
Free Camera Free camera.
Camera (With a look-at Target/Interest) Target camera.
Orthographic Camera Orthographic camera
NoteSince the Near and Far plane values for cameras in MotionBuilder are constant, you cannot animate the 3ds Max channel.