Select the image layer in the . Click the chain link or empty box icon for the mask layer you want to dis-associate/associate.
The shows the different types of layers on the current canvas. and are displayed separately inside a split window. This allows you to associate one or more mask layers with any image layer,
and re-use the same mask layers for different image layers.
To dis-associate a mask from an image layer
- Select the image layer in the .
- Click the
icon for the mask layer you want to dis-associate from that image layer.
icon becomes an empty box icon
To associate a mask with an image layer
- Select the image layer in the .
- Click the
icon for the mask layer you want to associate to that image layer.
icon becomes a chain link icon mask link.
To see the relationships between image and mask layers
- Click on an Image layer’s name to determine which mask/invisibility layers affect it.
The associated Masks and Invisibility Masks’ names are highlighted in lavender. A small icon next to the image layer’s name
shows how many masks are associated with it.
- Click on the Mask or Invisibility Mask layer’s name to determine which image layers are affected by it.
The affected Image layers’ names are highlighted in lavender.
If you click the
icon, located in the separator bar between image and mask layer sections, only the highlighted mask layers will appear in
the . Click the icon again to show all mask layers.
To (temporarily) disable a mask while keeping its associations
- Select the image layer in the .
All associated mask names are highlighted in lavender.
- Click the
icon for the mask layer you want to disable.
The mask is disabled, that is it no longer affects the image layer, but it remains linked to it.
- Click the icon again to re-enable the mask.
To hide all masks associated with an image layer
- Select the image layer to make it active.
All associated mask names are highlighted in lavender.
- Click the
icon in the separator bar between image and mask layer sections.
The masks become invisible, but are still enabled.
- Click the icon again to make the masks visible.
To (temporarily) disable all masks associated with an image layer
- Select the image layer to make it active.
All associated mask names are highlighted in lavender.
- Click the
icon in the separator bar between image and mask layer sections.
The masks are disabled, that is they no longer affect the image layer they are linked to.
- Click the icon again to re-enable the masks.