Delete a canvas plane

Permanently remove a canvas plane.

If you no longer need a canvas plane (for example, if you have finished sketching and exported the sketch image), you may want to delete it. (If you save a wire file that contains a canvas plane, the sketch image will be saved within the wire file, and the wire file may become significantly larger.)

You can also delete only the canvas information from the canvas plane (brush strokes, masks, and so on) but keep the plane.

To delete individual canvas planes

  1. Open the Construction Plane Editor (Windows > Editors > Construction Plane Editor).
  2. Select the canvas plane you want to delete by clicking the small pick icon to the left of the canvas plane’s name.

    To select more than one canvas plane, hold down the key.

    When a canvas is selected the pick icon turns red.

  3. Choose Delete > Delete Active or press .

    The selected canvas planes are deleted.

To delete all canvas planes

Choose Delete > Painting > Delete Canvases.


The option window lets you choose if you want to delete All overlays, All canvases, All canvases and overlays, or only Unbookmarked overlays.

To delete the canvas information from a canvas plane

  1. Select the canvas plane in one of two ways:
  2. Choose Delete > Painting > Delete Canvases from Construction Plane.

    All the paint information (brush strokes, masks, background color, opacity, etc) is removed from the canvas plane, but the plane itself remains in the scene and can be used as a regular construction plane. (See Create or edit a reference plane and Work with the construction plane.)


    To delete the canvas plane as well as the paint, pick it, then either press the key, or choose Delete > Delete Active.