Map a texture directly to a BLINN or PHONG shader’s Reflection parameter to simulate reflections during raycasting or raytracing.
Normally the renderer only calculates reflections during raytracing. However, you can map a texture directly to a BLINN or PHONG shader’s Reflection parameter to simulate reflections during raycasting or raytracing. For example, you can use an environment texture as a reflection map to simulate environmental reflections. Another use of reflection maps is to produce identical reflections on several surfaces. Although you can use any texture as a reflection map, environment textures give the best results.
By default, reflection mapping only works during raycasting. To use reflection maps during raytracing, set the shader’s Use Refl. Map parameter ON (see Use Refl. Map in Render > Multi-lister).
The texture swatch appears in the Multi-lister, and the texture appears on the shader swatch.