Use and to save the information in the current file to disk or a network location.
Save the file using its current name and location
- Choose File > Save
only saves in Alias wire format. To save in other data formats, use .
Save the file with a new name or location
- Choose File > Save As
- Use the dialog box to specify a name and location for the file, then click .
What if...?
- I don’t know how to use the Save Wire dialog box?
- To save the document in a different folder, click a different drive in the box (Windows) or box (Mac), or double-click a different folder in the folder list (on the Mac, click the down arrow to display the folder
To save the document in a new folder, click in the dialog box task bar (Windows) or click in the expanded Save Wire dialog box (Mac)
- In the box (Windows) or box (Mac), type a name for the document.
- Click to save the document.