Adds a locator that shows the curvature or radius comb of a curve.
Curve Curvature Options
– The quill lengths indicate the curvature at that point on the curve (default).
– The quill lengths indicate the radius at that point on the curve.
– The quill length is constant, so the quills only indicate the direction of the normal at that point on the curve.
Display the curvature quills, for surface curves, in the direction of the surface normals.
This option has no effect on free curves.
If this option is checked, the scale of the curvature comb is automatically calculated to be proportional to the size of the
When this option is unchecked, a slider appears, allowing you to set the scale of the comb at the time of creation.
The scale applied to the comb quills.
The option uses a logarithmic scale.
The initial sampling density per curve. Change this value after creating the comb by dragging the
– Show the comb quills only.
– Show the comb outline (the line connecting the endpoints of the comb quills) only.
– Shows both the comb quills and the comb outline.
The comb and outline are drawn in different colors.
Show torsion quills on the curve
Show the inflection points on the curve with small red arrows.
To speed up display, the arrows are only close approximations. To see the true inflection point, look for the point where
the comb outline crosses the curve.
Display regions of the curvature locator using different colors based on the radius value and the and values.
Indicates the points of maximum and minimum radius of curvature.
- ,
Regions of the curvature locator between the and the are drawn in with green quills. Regions of the curvature locator less than the or greater than the are drawn in with rose quills.
These options are only available when is on.
Limits the length of quills by the .
Limit quills to this length.
This option is necessary because some plot values, such as the radius of a straight line, are infinite, or very large.
These options are also found in the when a locator is selected. The Information Window has the following additional controls:
Choose whether the annotation appears in all windows or only the current window.
Choose whether the text in the annotation uses a or font.
Adjust the size of the text when is set to .