Keypoint Curve Tools > Arcs > Arc (Two Point)

Allows you to create a keypoint arc by putting down the two end points and specifying either the center or radius of the arc.

To draw a two-point arc

  1. Click the Arcs > Arc (Two Point) icon, or choose Arcs > Arc (Two Point) from the Keypoint Curve Toolbox.
  2. Click the start point of the arc, or type a 3D coordinate to place the point exactly.

    If you click the endpoint of an existing keypoint curve, the new arc attaches itself to the end of that curve. Dragging the common endpoint moves both curves.

  3. Click the end point of the arc, or type a 3D coordinate to place the point exactly.
    • Click the to add the point freely.
    • Click the to align the point horizontally to the first point.
    • Click the to align the point vertically to the first point.
  4. Click the center point of the arc, or type the radius of the arc.

    As you drag the center point, the Arc (Two Point) tool displays the radius of the arc in current linear units.

Line (2 Point) Options


Specifies the degree of the curve. The values range from 2 to 7. The default is 6.


Specifies the number of spans in the curve. The values range from 1 to 14. The default is 1.


The sum of the degree and number of spans cannot exceed 16. When creating rational geometry, as set in Preferences > Construction Options , the Spans option is not available.