Performing Multi-stream Processing

You can perform identical processing on multiple image streams. The following example workflow applies a blur to five imported layers.

To apply a blur to multiple layers:

  1. Import multiple layers into Composite. Composite creates a composition per layer.
  2. Perform a multiple selection of the imported layers, drop them into a new composition and swipe through the Link option. Composite creates a link node per layer in the new composition.

  3. Drag a Merge Streams tool from the Streams tool folder and drop it into the composition.
  4. Connect all layers to the inputs of the Merge Streams node.

  5. Drop a Blur tool into the composition and connect the Merge Streams output socket to its input then change the blur parameters.

    The blur is applied identically to all five streams.

    NoteTo view the individual streams, use the Player 0, (next stream) and Shift + 0 (previous stream) to cycle to the next and previous streams produced by the Player target. You can also view a stream by swiping through the Player south gate, opening the Streams tab and selecting the stream you want to view from the Stream value editor.