The lower part of the tail extends the fuseelage, but it becomes much more narrow.
Set up the lesson:
- Continue working from the previous lesson.
Finish extruding the fuselage:
Extrude the fuselage once more, this time to the very tip.
- In the Top viewport,
scale the polygon down to match the blueprint image.
- In the Front viewport,
scale the polygon down to match the size of the blueprint image.
- Also in the Front viewport,
move the polygon up to match the contour of the fuselage.
Subdivide the rear polygon:
- From the Orbit flyout, choose
(Orbit SubObject). Then
pan, and
zoom the Perspective viewport to get a good view of the rear polygon.
- On the ribbon
Polygon Modeling panel, click
- As you did for the large polygon in the air intake,
click and Ctrl+click to select horizontal pairs of vertices, then click ribbon
Loops panel 
(Connect) to add three horizontal edges and subdivide the large polygon into four quadrangular polygons.
Begin modeling the tail:
- On the ribbon
Polygon Modeling panel, click
If all four rear faces aren’t selected when you switch to the Polygon sub-object level, then
click and Ctrl+click to select them.
Extrude the faces to the end of the tail.
- In the Top viewport,
scale the faces down to narrow the bottom-rear portion of the tail.
- On the ribbon
Polygon Modeling panel, click
- In the Front viewport, region-select vertices to be sure you are adjusting both sides of the tail, then
move the vertex pairs to follow the contour along the lower part of the tail.
Save your work:
- Save the scene as p47_fuselage.max.