Edit Ranges displays all tracks as range bars. This mode is useful for quickly scaling and sliding complete animation tracks.
The Ranges: Dope Sheet toolbar contains tools for working with Ranges. Right-click an empty area adjacent to the Dope Sheet
toolbar and choose Show Toolbars Ranges: Dope Sheet to display the toolbar. Save your layout after you do.
To drag the ranges of an object and all of its linked descendants:
With Modify Subtree on, a range bar displays in the Objects track. The Objects branch is the default parent of all objects in the scene.
Dragging a parent-object range bar with Modify Subtree on affects all tracks subordinate to the object and all tracks of all of its linked descendants.
Position Ranges mode allows you to position range bars independently from their associated keys and produce special effects.
Recouple Ranges resizes the range bar so that the beginning and end of the range matches the first and last keys in the track. This is useful to quickly realign the range and the keys after editing.