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Animation Layers

Create New Animation Layer
This dialog provides global options in regards to collapsing animation layers and isolating the active layer from the rest.
- Collapse To
Sets the controller type for when you collapse a controller track onto a non-keyable controller track, such as a Noise controller.
- On collapse, the resulting track is assigned either a Position XYZ controller (for a Position track), a Bezier Scale controller
(for a Scale track), or an Euler XYZ controller (for a Rotation track).
- On collapse, the resulting track is assigned either a Linear controller (for Position and Scale tracks) or a TCB controller
(for a Rotation track).
- On collapse, the resulting track is assigned a default controller based on the original controller track. Refer to Specifying Default Controllers for more details.
- Per Frame Collapse Range
Sets the range to cover when you collapse a layer.
NoteFor best results, turn off Collapse to Keys Only, When Possible; otherwise, based on the collapsed layer's controller and
tangent type, the system might collapse to keys instead.
- When chosen, a key is set on every frame of your scene's animation range when you collapse a layer.
- When chosen, a key is set on every frame of the animation range you specify.
- Start/End
Sets the collapse range boundaries.
- Collapse To Keys Only, When Possible
When you collapse a layer, the keys are merged only when the respective controllers are of the same type, same tangent types,
and Blend Eulers As Quats is on. Default=on.
- Mute Layers Above Active Layer
When on, you see the effects of the layers only up to the active layer, inclusively. This is similar to the Visible Before/After
options of the biped Layers rollout.