Command entry:Select an object.

Modify panel

Modifier List

Select By Channel
The Select By Channel modifier works in conjunction with the Channel Info utility. After you store a vertex selection into a subcomponent with Channel Info, use Select By Channel to quickly access the selection.
To use Select By Channel:
- Use Channel Info to store one or more vertex selections in a map channel subcomponent.
If you’re not sure how to do this, follow these steps:
- Select some vertices in the object.
- Open the Channel Info utility.
- Right-click the vsel (“vertex selection”) channel and choose Copy from the menu.
- On the utility dialog toolbar, click the Add button, note the new map channel that’s added, and then click the SubComp button.
All channels except vsel expand to their three sub-components.
- Right-click one of the new channel’s sub-components (say, 2:map:X) and choose Paste.
- Use the Channel Name dialog that opens to give the sub-component a meaningful names, such as Lillian Hand.
- Continue to make and copy vertex selections and then paste them to different sub-components. If necessary, add more channels
to hold different selections.
Apply the Select By Channel modifier to the object with the stored vertex selection(s).
- Choose the selection type.
- Choose the selection channel.
- To “bake” the new selection into the object, collapse the stack.
- Selection Type
Lets you choose how to combine the stored vertex selection with an existing vertex selection.
- Replaces the existing selection with the stored selection.
- Adds the stored selection to the existing selection.
- Subtracts the stored selection from the existing selection. Has no effect if there's no overlap between the stored selection
and the existing selection.
- Selection Channel
Lets you choose which stored, named vertex-selection channel to apply to the modified object. Click the arrow to the right
of the name field to open the drop-down list, and then click a channel in the list.