Command entry:Select a single light object.

Right-click a viewport.

Quad menu

Tools 1 (upper-left) quadrant
The Tools 1 (upper-left) quadrant for viewport lighting appears when a single light object is selected in the scene.
- Ambient Only
When on, the light object affects only ambient light in viewports.
- Affect Specular
When on, the light object affects specular color in viewports.
- Affect Diffuse
When on, the light object affects diffuse color in viewports.
- Cast Shadows
Turns on shadows for the light, for viewport display. This setting does not change the value of the light’s Shadows toggle, so it doesn’t affect the rendered scene.
- Light On
Toggles whether the light is on or off.
- Select Light Target
This option appears only if you have selected a target light. Choose it to select the light’s target and reposition it.