Command entry:Graph Editors menu

Motion Mixer

Select a non-biped object clip transition.

Motion Mixer menu bar



Mixer Transition Editor

Click the Select Velocity Nodes or Select Sub-blend Nodes button.
This dialog opens when you pick nodes for velocity blending or sub-blending. If you click the Select Velocity Nodes button,
the list displays only the objects being mixed in the current transition track. If you click the Select Sub-blend Nodes button,
the list displays only the objects being mixed in the current transition track, except those objects that are already velocity blends.
- Search field
To find an object in the list, enter the object's name and then press Enter.
- Node list
Lists all the available objects.
- All
Selects all objects in the list.
- None
Selects no objects in the list.
- Invert
Inverts the current list selection.
Subtree group
- Display
When on, the object hierarchy is shown by indenting. When off, all objects appear at the same level. Default=on.
- Select
When on, selecting an object selects that object's children. When off, only one object at a time is selected. Default=off.
- Named selection sets drop-down list
This list shows the scene's named selection sets. Choosing a set from this list selects its members in the Node list.