Command entry: 
Create panel

(Space Warps)


Object Type rollout

Command entry:Create menu

Space Warps


The UDeflector is a universal deflector that lets you use any object as a particle deflector.
To create a UDeflector:
- On the
Create panel, click
(Space Warps). Choose Deflectors from the list, then on the Object Type rollout, click UDeflector.
- In a viewport, drag out a rectangle to add a UDeflector warp to the scene.
- On the command panel, click the Pick Object button and select an object to be a particle deflector.
- Apply the deflector to the particle system using the appropriate method:
- Position the UDeflector icon to interrupt the particle stream.
- Adjust the UDeflector parameters as necessary.
Object-Based Deflector group
Specifies the object to use as a deflector.
- Item
Displays the name of the selected object.
- Pick Object
Click this, and then click any renderable mesh object to be used as a deflector.
Particle Bounce group
- Bounce
Determines the speed with which particles bounce off the deflector. At 1.0, the particles bounce at the same speed as they
approach. At 0, they don't deflect at all.
- Variation
The amount by which each particle can vary from the Bounce setting.
- Chaos
The amount of variation from the perfect angle of reflection (found when Chaos is set to 0.0). 100% induces a variation in
reflection angle of up to 90 degrees.
- Friction
The amount by which particles are slowed as they move along the deflector surface. A value of 0% means they're not slowed
at all. A value of 50% means they're slowed to half their original speed. A value of 100% means they stop moving when they
strike the surface. Default=0%. Range=0% to 100%.
TipTo have particles slide along a deflector surface, set Bounce to 0. Also, unless influenced by a force such as Wind or Gravity,
particles meant to slide should strike the surface at an angle other than 90 degrees.
- Inherit Vel
(Velocity Inheritance) When greater than 0, the motion of the deflector affects particles as well as the other settings. For
example, to animate the SDeflector passing through a passive array of particles, turn up this value to affect the particles.
Display Icon group
- Icon Size
This spinner displays and lets you change the size of the icon.