Command entry: Modify panel
Make a selection.
Modifier List
Object-Space Modifiers
Command entry:Make a selection.
Modifiers menu
Parametric Deformers
The Bend modifier lets you bend the current selection up to 360 degrees about a single axis, producing a uniform bend in an
object's geometry. You can control the angle and direction of the bend on any of three axes. You can also limit the bend to
a section of the geometry.
Modifier Stack
- Gizmo sub-object
You can transform and animate the gizmo like any other object at this sub-object level, altering the effect of the Bend modifier.
Translating the gizmo translates its center an equal distance. Rotating and scaling the gizmo takes place with respect to
its center.
- Center sub-object
You can translate and animate the center at this sub-object level, altering the Bend gizmo's shape, and thus the shape of
the bent object.
For more information on the stack display, see Modifier Stack.
Bend group
- Angle
Sets the angle to bend from the vertical plane. Range=-999,999.0 to 999,999.0.
- Direction
Sets the direction of the bend relative to the horizontal plane. Range=-999,999.0 to 999,999.0.
Bend Axis group
- X/Y/Z
Specifies the axis to be bent. Note that this axis is local to the Bend gizmo and not related to the selected entity. Default=Z.
Limits group
- Limit Effect
Applies limit constraints to the bend effect. Default=off.
- Upper Limit
Sets the upper boundary in world units from the bend center point beyond which the bend no longer affects geometry. Default=0.
Range=0 to 999,999.0.
- Lower Limit
Sets the lower boundary in world units from the bend center point beyond which the bend no longer affects geometry. Default=0.
Range=-999,999.0 to 0.