After you have selected curves and analyzed them for error, you can use the tools found on the Fix panel to process the curves and reduce the errors.
The fixes are determined by which type of fixer you choose, and the parameters you set for that fixer. Clicking Fix Selected or Fix All at the bottom of the panel performs the Fix operation.
In general, fixes are made either by changing the position or value of a key, or by removing the key. The basic fixing techniques involve smoothing, blurring, boosting, or key deletion. This is similar to audio-editing software, where you view music as a waveform, and then edit the waves in various ways to alter the sound. Similarly, the motion of the biped body parts, as defined by position and rotation tracks, can be evaluated for error conditions regarding speed, angle, acceleration, or change of direction.
Of course, you can also fix curves manually. You can select the key on the curve and move it, using the standard Track View key buttons duplicated in the Workbench, such as Move, Slide, Scale or Delete Keys.
You can achieve a layered range of keys by turning on Show Layered Edit. This is a special Workbench mode that extends the
edit to affect keys surrounding the one you are editing. It works like soft selection in 3ds Max but gives you greater control over the displacement. It can help you blend your edits into existing motion.