3DS is the 3D Studio (DOS) mesh file format. You can export 3ds Max files to this format.
When you export a 3DS file, the following information is exported:
- Position, Rotation and Scale animation. If the controller is a TCB controller, the TCB, Ease In, and Ease Out values are also
saved. If the controller is any other type of key controller, the keys are saved but the tangent information is lost. If the
controller is not a key controller, only the object's transformation at frame 0 is saved.
- Basic material color/parameters from the Standard material.
- Single maps with their amount, offsets, scales, and so on.
- Auto-cubics and Mirrors.
- Target cameras, target spotlights and omni lights.
- Most "static" parameters for cameras and lights, and animation tracks for Roll, Falloff, Hotspot, and FOV.
When you export a 3DS file, the following information is not exported:
- Composite and procedural maps.
- Grouped object transformations. There's no concept of group hierarchy in the 3D Editor. Groups export to the Keyframer because
the Keyframer understands hierarchies.
- Global shadow parameters.
When you export a 3DS file, the following occur:
When you choose 3DS as the export file format, enter a file name, and click Save, an Export Scene To .3DS File dialog is displayed.
This dialog has a single option:
- Preserve MAX's Texture Coordinates
When on, preserves mapping coordinates. When off, mapping information is discarded. Default=on.