Command entry:Open Track View.


Global Tracks

Block Control

Global Clip Properties (right-click)

Synthesis dialog

Motion Clips panel

Click New (in the From Global Object group).

Motion Clip Parameters dialog
Command entry:Select a Crowd helper.

Modify panel

Global Clip Controllers rollout


Choose a GlobalClip object.

Select the object in the list.


Synthesis dialog

Motion Clips panel

Click New (in the From Global Object group).

Motion Clip Parameters dialog
When setting up a crowd simulation with non-bipedal characters using motion synthesis, use this dialog, accessed from the
Synthesis Dialog, to define motion clips from the Global Object's animation.
Enter a clip name, frame range, and color using controls in the MotionClip Parameters dialog. character studio determines
which clips to trigger by states that you define on the State panel.
- Name
Enter a name for the new motion clip.
- Start
Specifies the first frame of the animation clip from the Global Object.
- End
Specifies the last frame of the animation clip from the Global Object.
- Color
Click the color swatch and choose a color in the color picker. This color is used in Track View when displaying the clip.