Command entry:Material/Map Browser

Right-click the title bar of a library group (other than Autodesk Material Library).
This menu manages Library groups.
Custom material libraries appear in the Material/Map Browser, and are useful as an organizing tool. You can open and create
them with commands on the Material/Map Browser Options menu. Once created or opened, a custom library remains in the Material/Map Browser, persisting between sessions.
To add a map or material to a library, drag it to the library from elsewhere in the Material/Map Browser (not from a named
view). To remove an item from a library, right-click its entry and choose Remove From Lib. To remove a library from the Material/Map
Browser, right-click its header and choose Close Material Library. But first, if you want to reuse the library later, save
it (see following); otherwise the library is permanently deleted.
- [file name and path]
Displays a submenu for handling the library MAT file.
- Reloads the library. This can be useful if you or a colloague has updated the library in some way.
- Saves the library.
- Opens a file dialog so you can save the library under a different name.
- Edit Group Color
- Rename Group
Opens a dialog that lets you rename the library.
- Sort Alphabetically
Sorts the list of materials by material name.
- Show Subtree
When on, expands the group display to show all materials, sub-materials, and maps in the group. When off, shows only top-level
materials. Default=off.
- Display Group (and Subgroups) As
- Context Menu Options
- Close Material Library