Cloth and Garment Maker Modifiers

Cloth provides you with advanced tools for creating realistic fabrics and tailor-made clothing for characters and creatures.

Laura by Georges Walser

The Cloth system comprises two modifiers:

You can model clothing in two ways: by creating the cloth objects with standard 3ds Max modeling methods and applying the Cloth modifier to them, or by designing virtual clothing patterns with splines and stitching together these various virtual panels to form a full garment using the Garment Maker modifier. With Garment Maker, you can even import spline patterns from external applications and use these as your pattern panels.

  • Cloth and Garment Overview

    Cloth is an advanced cloth-simulation engine that lets you create realistic garments for your characters and other creations. Cloth is designed to work in concert with the modeling tools in 3ds Max and can turn just about any 3D object into clothing; it also allows you to build garments from scratch.

  • Cloth Modifier

    The Cloth modifier is the heart of the Cloth system, and is applied to all objects in your scene that need to be part of the Cloth simulation. This is where you define cloth and collision objects, assign properties, and execute the simulation. Other controls include creating constraints, interactively dragging the cloth, and erasing parts of the simulation.

  • Garment Maker Modifier

    Garment Maker is a modifier that is designed to put together 2D patterns that you can then use with Cloth. With Garment Maker you can take a simple, flat, spline-based pattern and convert it to a mesh, arrange its panels, and create seams to sew the panels together. You can also specify internal seam lines for creases and cuts.