Command entry: Particle View 
Click Script Test in an event or add a Script Test operator to the particle system and then select it.
Script Test lets you test particle conditions using a MAXScript script. The script can use any program functionality available
to MAXScript.
The default test script tests for the presence of all particles within a spherical volume of radius 20.
The user interface appears in the parameters panel, on the right side of the Particle View dialog.
- Edit Script
Click this button to open the current script in a MAXScript Editor window.
For detailed information about the MAXScript utility, open the MAXScript Help, available from Help menu
MAXScript Help.
Uniqueness group
The Uniqueness setting provides a randomization seed that the script can use or ignore.
- Seed
Specifies a randomization value.
- New
Calculates a new seed using a randomization formula.