Command entry: Track View 
Options menu

Auto Expand submenu
Auto Expand determines the behavior of the controller window display based on choices made from a submenu. To turn Auto Expand
off with a single click, choose Manual Navigation from the Options menu: The Auto Expand settings are then disregarded.
When you are working on a specific animation task, turn off the unnecessary options to focus the controller window on what
you need to see.
NoteThe default auto-navigation setting for the Dope Sheet editor auto-expands only to the node track for the currently selected
object. This reduces the number of tracks whose keys need to be displayed and also helps enforce the top-down workflow for
which the Dope Sheet editor is designed.
- Selected Objects Only
When this is on, the controller window displays the tracks for highlighted objects only. Default=On.
- Transforms
Expands the Hierarchy list to display the highlighted object's Transform track. Default=On.
- XYZ Components
Expands the highlighted object's Transform track to display individual XYZ components contained in each Transform controller
(such as Position and Scale).
- Limits
Expands the highlighted object's Limits track to display its parameters (such as Upper Limit and Lower Smoothing). To be used
in conjunction with the Limit Controller. Default=On.
- Keyable
Expands the highlighted object's Hierarchy list to display keyable tracks. You must also enable Transform or XYZ Components
to see results. Also expands the Environment and Global Shadow Parameters Hierarchy lists.
- Animated
Expands the highlighted object's Hierarchy list to display animated tracks.
- Base Objects
Expands the highlighted object's base object track to display its parameters (such as Height/Width/Length).
- Modifiers
Expands the highlighted object's modifier track to display modifiers applied to that object.
- Materials
Expands the highlighted object's material track to display materials parameters.
- Children
Expands the Hierarchy list to display all children starting from the highlighted object.