Command entry:Select a NURBS object.

Modify panel

Modifier List

World-Space Modifiers

Displace NURBS (WSM)
The Displace NURBS world-space modifier (World Space) converts a NURBS object into a mesh. If a displacement map is applied to the object, the mesh shows the effect of the displacement map in
viewports. There are two main reasons for using Displace NURBS:
- As a visualization aid to see the effect of a displacement map in viewports
When you use Displace NURBS this way, you usually delete the modifier once you've obtained the effect you want.
- To obtain an editable mesh created from a displacement map on a NURBS object
To use Displace NURBS this way, you apply it to the object that has a displacement map, then use the Snapshot command from the Tools menu, and choose Mesh as the Clone Method.
Snapshot creates a permanently displaced mesh. As it does for other kinds of objects, Snapshot also leaves the original, displacement-mapped
object in the scene. After applying Snapshot, you can delete the original object, or you can keep it in your scene to use
for other purposes.
The rollout for Displace NURBS lets you choose which surface approximation settings are used to produce the mesh.
- Animated Displacement Map
If you use an animated displacement map on the mesh, turn on this toggle to have the NURBS Modifier correctly update the mesh
as the displacement map animates.
You can apply a Displacement map using the Material Editor.
- Update Mesh
Click to update the mesh if you have changed the displacement mapping and want to see the results of the change. The mesh
isn't updated automatically because that could become extremely time consuming.
- Viewport
Uses the tessellation that the NURBS object currently uses in viewports.
- Renderer
Uses the tessellation that the NURBS object currently uses for the renderer.
- Custom
Set the tessellation directly in the Tessellation Method group box.
- Base Surface, Surface Edge, Displaced Surface, and Lock
Tessellation Method group
The controls in this group are the same as the surface approximation controls for NURBS objects.
- Ignore Surface Settings
When turned off, Displace NURBS uses the surface approximation settings for surface sub-objects. When turned on, Displace
NURBS uses the settings in the Tessellation Method group and overrides settings for surface sub-objects. Default=off.
- Auto Weld
All vertices closer than the Threshold value are automatically welded together. This can simplify the mesh geometry. It is useful to turn this on when you have
increased the Merge value in order to eliminate gaps between surface edges in the approximation of the NURBS object.