Command entry:Graph Editors menu

Track View Dope Sheet

Right-click a footstep track.
Right-click anywhere in the Footstep track in Track View (Dope Sheet) to display the Footstep Mode dialog. This is a modeless
dialog and can remain visible while you continue to work in Track View.
This dialog allows you to:
- Control the duration information displayed with the footsteps.
- Create a freeform period between footsteps.
- Select the right or left edges of footstep blocks or the whole block.
- Edit Footsteps
In this mode (which is the default), you can edit the biped’s footsteps to change their duration; start and end frames; airborne
duration; and so on.
- Edit Free Form (no physics)
In this mode, you can edit the biped’s body keys for the frames at which the biped is airborne.
Free Form suspends the physically based dynamics that normally control biped motion. This is essential when you want to make
the biped fly, or sit down, or fall over. Note that the freeform period must be between footsteps.
Footstep Number Display group
The footstep blocks can have any one of four time settings displayed for them. You can only show one of these at a time.
The footstep step number is always displayed on the footstep blocks (in boldface).
- Start and End Frame
Displays the start and end frames of the footstep (from Touch to Lift). Biped displays just the start frame if the footstep
block is too small to show both. Zoom in to see both start and end numbers.
- Start Frame
Displays just the start frame number (Touch).
- Duration
Displays the number of frames that the foot is in contact with the ground (from Touch to Lift).
- Double Support
Displays the number of overlapping frames in which both feet are in contact with the ground.
You can also turn on the following two numbers for the intervals between the footsteps. You can display both numbers at the
same time by selecting both boxes.
- No Support
Displays the number of frames that the whole biped is airborne; that is, the frames in which neither of the feet have any
contact with the ground.
- Foot Air Duration
Displays the number of frames that each foot has no contact with the ground.
Footstep Edge Selection group
Select Start of Footstep
Selects the leftmost key for the current footstep selection.
Select Entire Footstep
Selects the entire footstep.
Select End of Footstep
Selects rightmost key for the current footstep selection.