Command entry: 
Create panel



Object Type rollout

The ProxSensor helper creates a VRML97 ProximitySensor node. This lets you set up a rectangular region in space, so that entering
the region in a VRML97 browser starts a set of objects animating.
To create a Proximity Sensor object:
- Add a Proximity Sensor object by clicking the ProxSensor button and then click-dragging in the Top viewport to create its
- Select the geometry, camera, or sound to control.
When the user navigates inside the box, the specified objects animate or the sound plays.
The Prox Sensor rollout contains the following options:
- Length/Width/Height
Specifies the dimensions of the bounding box that triggers the action.
- Enable
Activates the Proximity Sensor. When this check box is turned off, the sensor has no effect, even if objects have been selected.
- Pick Action Objects
Specifies the objects in the scene to control with this helper. The objects can be animated geometry, cameras, lights, or
AudioClips. Click this button then click the objects in the viewports.
- Delete
Deletes an object from the list of picked objects.