Command entry: 
Utilities panel

Utilities rollout

Asset Browser button

Address bar

Enter URL of geometry files on World Wide Web.

Drag thumbnail over active viewport.
Command entry:Menu bar


Asset Browser

Address bar

Enter URL of geometry files on World Wide Web.

Drag thumbnail over active viewport.
When you drag geometry files from the World Wide Web using the Asset Browser, the Internet Download dialog appears. How long
this dialog remains on-screen depends on the size of the file you're downloading.
Download Information group
Displays the URL of the download, the pathname of the file being saved, and a meter indicating the bytes downloaded.
- Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Displays the URL and file name that you're downloading.
- Saved as Local File
Displays the pathname of the file being saved as a result of the download.
Options group
Specifies whether or not to place the objects when the download is complete. If you leave this option selected, 3ds Max allows you to position the mouse at the location of your choice.