Command entry: 
Create panel



Object Type rollout

Command entry:Create menu


Use NGon to create closed flat-sided or circular splines with any number (N) of sides or vertices.
To create an NGon:
- Go to the
Create panel and turn on
- Click NGon.
- Choose a creation method.
- Drag and release the mouse button in a viewport to draw the NGon.
Rendering and Interpolation rollouts
All spline-based shapes share these parameters. See Splines for an explanation of these parameters.
Creation Method rollout
The NGon shape uses the standard creation methods of Center or Edge. Most spline-based shapes share the same Creation Method
parameters. See Splines for an explanation of these parameters.
Parameters rollout
Once you have created an NGon, you can make changes using the following parameters:
- Radius
Specifies the NGon radius. You can use either of two methods to specify the radius:
- The radius from the center to the corners of the NGon
- The radius from the center to the sides of the NGon.
- Sides
Specifies the number of sides and vertices used by the NGon. Range=3 to 100.
- Corner Radius
Specifies the degree of rounding to apply to the corners of the NGon. A setting of 0 specifies a standard unrounded corner.
- Circular
When on, specifies a circular NGon.