The Strokes utility lets you launch commands by dragging left-button mouse patterns in a viewport. When you launch the Strokes utility, a modeless dialog appears containing a single Draw Strokes button. When the Draw Strokes button is active, you can define and use strokes with the left mouse button.
The Strokes system is also available as an option for the middle mouse button that doesn't require the utility or the modeless dialog. This option can be found on the Viewports tab of the Preferences dialog. For details, see Strokes.
Example: To define a stroke pattern for Orbit:
A dialog appears asking you to define the pattern or continue.
Example: To turn on Orbit using the Strokes utility:
As you drag the mouse, small X's appear, displaying your stroke. When you release the mouse, a 3x3 grid appears briefly, and then 3ds Max switches to Orbit mode.
If a Stroke Not Foundmessage appears, click Continue, and then repeat step 2.