Command entry:Select a shape that already has a Sweep modifier using a Custom Section applied.

Modify Panel

Section Type rollout

Click Extract.
The Extract feature allows you to recover custom cross-sections that may have been deleted from the scene. As long as you
have a Sweep object in the scene that uses the deleted shape as a custom cross-section, you can use Extract to restore the
shape to the scene.
In a large scene that has many objects and shapes, you can also use Extract if you want to quickly duplicate a section used
by the sweep instead of searching for the original shape you used as the section.
To extract a section from a sweep:
- In a viewport,
select a swept shape.
- Go to the
Modify panel and in the Section Types rollout
Custom Section Types group, click the Extract button.
3ds Max opens the Extract Shapes dialog.
- Enter a new name for the extracted section.
- Specify the type of cloned shape you want extracted; a copy, an instance or a reference.
- Click OK.
- Name
This field shows the default name that will be given to the extracted section. By default, it always has the naming convention
of Sweep_ShapeName01, Sweep_ShapeName02, etc.
For example, if your missing section was named Roman-Ogee, the extracted shape will be named Sweep_Roman-Ogee01.
- Copy
Places a copy of the extracted section at the global origin (0,0,0).
- Instance
Places an instance of the extracted section at the global origin.
- Reference
Places a reference of the extracted section at the global origin.