Command entry:Select a NURBS object.

Modify panel

Create Surfaces rollout

Dependent Surfaces group box

Command entry:Select a NURBS object.

Modify panel

NURBS toolbox

(Create Cap Surface)
This command creates a surface that caps a closed curve or the edge of a closed surface. Caps are especially useful with extruded
To create a cap surface:
The NURBS object must contain at least one closed curve.
- In the NURBS toolbox, turn on
(Create Cap Surface).
- Move the mouse over the closed curve or the closed edge of a closed surface.
If the cap can be created, the curve or edge is highlighted in blue.
- Click the highlighted curve or edge.
The Flip Normals control lets you flip the surface normals at creation time. (After creation, you can flip normals using controls
on the Surface Common rollout.)
While a cap surface sub-object is selected, a rollout with cap surface controls is displayed at the bottom of the Modify panel.
Cap Surface rollout (creation time)
- Flip Normals
Turn on to reverse the direction of the cap surface's normals.
- Start Point
Adjusts the position of the edge or curve's start point.
The start point is displayed as a blue circle.
Cap Surface rollout (modification time)
- Replace Curve
Lets you replace the parent curve or edge. Click the button, then click the new curve or edge on which to base the cap.
- Start Point
Adjusts the position of the edge or curve's start point.
The start point is displayed as a blue circle.